TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Stuff you see from a Mini-bus in Japan...
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Subject Stuff you see from a Mini-bus in Japan...
Posted by Halo TTZ on December 06, 2012 at 3:55 PM
  This message has been viewed 1573 times.
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get use to this^

While in Japan on the Mad Mike Trip, you usually take a mini bus 90% of the time. And while on that bus, you see a lot of things. Like building, temples, crazy roads, amazing sunsets, Mountains (Fuji), and cars.. Lots and lots of cars.

one of our most memorable encounter was this R34 VspecII Nur.

He was behind us while merging for traffic and one of the guys noticed him.. so of course we all get out cameras out and take shots or video..

First he put on a show and gunned it passed us. Them either he got caught in traffic or wanted to show off more, he made another pass...and thankful he did.

Video from Adam. photo from me.

[ ]


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Why do you have the name Halo_TTZ? Do you play the game alot?


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